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Home > Racing > General Sailing Instructions
Home > Racing > General Sailing Instructions

General Sailing Instructions

1.1 Racing will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing, the prescriptions of the RYA, these instructions and the appropriate class rules.
2.1 All competitors (helm and crews) shall be members of Netley SC unless permission to race is granted by the OOD.
2.2 The safety of a yacht and its entire management including insurance shall be the sole and inescapable responsibility of the owner/competitor racing the yacht. The establishment of these sailing instructions in no way limits or reduces the complete and unlimited responsibility of the owner/competitor. If this person is a minor, the responsibility shall rest with the parent/guardian of the owner/competitor. It shall be the sole responsibility of each helmsman to decide whether or not to start or continue a race.
2.3 Insurance requirements shall be in accordance with the annual programme.
2.4 Helms are to sign on before each race. There is a link on the club web site for the signing on page. Whenever possible, a screen in the wet area will also be made available to be used for signing on. In the case of total internet failure, paper signing on sheets will be made available. The information from the online results system or signing-on sheets may be published in the club's newsletter and/or web-site. If you do not wish this information to be used for this purpose, ensure that the club administrator is advised by email or letter. In addition, a Parent/Guardian consent form must be completed for all competitors under the age of 16 prior to the first race of the day.
2.5 Boats must comply with rule 77 which refers to appendix G. This requires boats to carry on her sail a number. The race officer will disqualify boats not showing a sail number.
3.1 Notices to competitors shall be posted on the official notice board in the lobby.
4.1 Any change to the sailing instructions shall be posted on the official notice board one hour before it will take effect. Displaying IC flag 'L' shall indicate changes to the sailing instructions.
5.1 The racing programme shall be as published in the annual programme.
6.1 The class flag shall be Flag 'Q' for the Fast fleet (py less than 1005 or class 'punk') and
Flag 'H' for the slow fleet (py greater than 1004 AND class not 'punk').
7.1 Course instructions shall be displayed on the course board or on the official notice board in the lobby.
7.1.1 All Courses will be displayed on laminated sheets positioned on the Course Board. Race Officers should NOT choose a course outside of the pre-set courses without checking the arrangement first with either a 'Course Mentor' (a list of Course Mentors will be positioned on the Board) or a member of the Sailing Sub Committee.
7.2 The course area shall be between the main navigation channel and the shore. The southern limit will be the oil jetty off Hamble and the northern limit the inner channel buoy 'Netley'.
7.3 Boats shall not cross the sewer pipe to the SE of the slipway. The race officer shall disqualify any boats crossing the sewer pipe.
7.4 Main channel marks and the twin-pylons shall not be used as racing marks.
7.5 A maximum number of laps for each fleet shall be displayed on the course board.
7.6 When back-to-back racing is scheduled, the race officer may change the course to be sailed after the first race. If a course change is intended, it will be signalled by displaying IC Flag 'C' at least 15 minutes before the start of the next race, in order to allow competitors time to review the course change. Additionally the Patrol boat will attempt to advise competitors of the change of course by displaying IC code flag 'C' in the area of the start line. Note: If the race officer changes the position of marks but maintains the same mark rounding sequence as identified for the first race, this will not signalled as a change of course.
8.1 Races shall be started in accordance with RRS26 (the instructions are displayed on the official notice board).
The starting sequence for each fleet is 3, 2, 1, Go.
Sequence of starts:
Fast fleet starts first, followed by the slow fleet 3 minutes later.
The Go signal for the starting fleet is also the warning (3-minute) signal for the next fleet.
8.1.1 Race Box Starts
If races are being started from the club race box, the start line will lie between the Outer Distance Mark and an Inner Distance Mark on the club house patio. The Inner Distance mark is a white post topped with an orange triangle or flag.
8.1.2 RIB Starts
If the wind direction requires, races may be started from a RIB acting as a Committee boat. The start line will lie between the Outer Distance Mark and the mast on the RIB flying an orange flag. Following the start, the RIB will resume its normal duties and the race will be finished using a finish line ending at an inner distance mark on the club house patio.
8.2 Boats, whose preparatory signal has not been made, shall keep clear of the start area and of all boats whose preparatory signal has been made.
8.3 Recalls
29.1 Individual Recall
Individual Recalls shall be in accordance with RRS 29: When at a boat's starting signal any part of her hull, crew or equipment is on the course side of the starting line or she must comply with rule 30.1, the race committee shall promptly display flag X with one sound. The flag shall be displayed until all such boats are completely on the pre-start side of the starting line or one of its extensions and have complied with rule 30.1 if it applies, but no later than four minutes after the starting signal or one minute before any later starting signal, whichever is earlier. If rule 30.3 applies this rule does not.
29.2 General Recall
When at the starting signal the race committee is unable to identify boats that are on the course side of the starting line or to which rule 30 applies, or there has been an error in the starting procedure, the race committee may signal a general recall (display the First Substitute with two sounds).
Note that there may be three starts scheduled to take place at five minute intervals. This requires a change to rule 29.2 as follows.
If the warning signal for the next fleet has already been given, a recalled fleet will 'go to the back of the queue' and start five minutes after the last currently scheduled fleet. In this case, the First Substitute flag shall be removed not later than one minute before the next scheduled start (four minutes after hoisting).
If the recalled fleet is the last fleet in the list then rule 29.2 will be applied unchanged. The warning signal for a new start for the recalled class shall be made one minute after the First Substitute is removed (one sound).
9.1 The finishing line will be as shown on the course board in the wet area or on the blackboard on the west wall of the clubhouse.
9.11 The finishing line will be between either a mark of the course and an Inner Distance mark or an Outer Distance Mark and an Inner Distance Mark. The Inner Distance mark is a white post topped with an orange triangle or flag positioned on the club house patio.
9.2 The race will finish when Flag 'S' is displayed. All boats must complete their current lap and cross the finishing line after Flag 'S' is raised.
9.3 During those Series designated for Dinghy T and H racing, if Races needed to be shortened the following process will apply. If only the Dinghy T Fleet are to be shortened, the Flag 'S' will be flown along aside Flag 'T' on the Clubhouse wall, just to the left of the Race Box (when seen from the water). If all Fleets are to be shortened, only Flag "S" will be flown as per SI 9.2
10.1 The time limit for each race shall be 1hour 30 minutes. Boats failing to finish within 30 minutes after the first boat finishes or within the time limit, whichever is later, will score Did Not Finish. This changes rule 35.
11.1 Protests shall be written on forms available from the Race Officer and delivered to him within one hour after the time of the last boat's finish.
11.2 Protests shall be heard as arranged by the Sailing Secretary.
12.1 Handicap Scoring Unless otherwise defined, racing will be on an Average Lap Basis and Portsmouth numbers will be those published in the current YR2 for each class. Boats without Portsmouth Numbers will be allocated a number by the sailing sub-committee. In the case of multihulls, the SCHRS scheme and UKCRA advice will be used for guidance. These allocated numbers may be adjusted retrospectively at the discretion of the Sailing sub-committee. When both Dinghy T and Dinghy H races are held, they are to be treated as two discrete events with separate timing, calculation, results and scoring.
12.2 Series Scoring The scoring systems to be used shall be detailed in the 'Racing Series Summary' of the annual programme.
12.3 The minimum number of starters to count for points in any race will be five.
12.5 Series Qualification Junior U12 both helm and crew (if applicable) must be under the age of 12 on Jan 1st Junior U16 - both helm and crew (if applicable) must be under the age of 16 on Jan 1st Ancient mariner awarded at the discretion of the Sailing sub committee Parent/Child Criteria to be declared for specific events Best crew- awarded to the crew with the best cumulative performance (top 5 overall positions within series to count - November to November)
12.6 Average Points Average points will be awarded for 1 race when a duty is completed during the series. The average points will be calculated on the total scored in the number of races to count in that series less one. In the event of a tie, the average points awarded shall not be used to resolve the tie.
12.7 Changing Boats During a Series A helmsman changing his or her boat part way through a series will have the results treated as 2 separate entries in the series.
12.8 Changing Crew During a Series A boat will be scored as a single boat in a series if her helmsman is the same in all races or the crew is the same in all races or the same team is in the boat for all races.
12.9 Changing Rig/Configuration During a Series If a boat sails with different rig/configuration in a series, it will be considered as per 12.5 (Changing boats) unless it is permitted within the appropriate class rules. Examples: RS600 reefing system permitted Dart 18 double-handed (2 sails) to singlehanded (1 sail) - permitted Laser (full rig) to Laser Radial not permitted
13.1 Buoyancy aids shall be worn while racing by all competitors. Wet suits do not constitute adequate buoyancy.
13.2 Attention is drawn to RRS Fundamental Rule 1, "Helping Those in Danger." Boats (racing or otherwise) should stand by a capsized or disabled boat unless it is clear that no assistance is required. Redress may be requested. (RRS Rule 62)

Version History

Vrsn Date Changes Author
1.0 13/03/2007 Original issue T Guy
2.0 01/04/2009) update for ISAF 2009-2012 rules T Guy
3.0 02/06/2009 Amendment to 2.4 use of information from results
12.2 clarification of Average lap racing and handicap method
T Guy
4.0 01/04/2010 - Addition of:
parent/guardian consent
recall signals, including the adoption of X flag for individual recalls
UKCRA advice for handicap determination
series qualification section
Average points section
Changing boats/crew/rig section
Pursuit race instructions in Appendix A
Introduction of safety statement 13.2
T Guy
4.1 02/04/2010 Corrections in 12.5 dates for U13/U16 T Guy
4.2 02/07/2010 Update to 6.1/8.1 separation of Multihull and Monohull starts T Guy
4.3 05/11/2010 Update to 6.1 Q Flag used for Multihull warning signal
Addition of 7.6 Change of course instructions during back-to-back racing
Update to 8.1 introducing use of T flag (Time to get ready!) signal
T Guy
4.4 26/11/2010 Update to 8.1 removal of the use of T Flag T Guy
5.0 Update to allow for an additional slow handicap start to be added D. Henshall
5.2 16/03/2014 Introduction of online results processing and signing-on. V Taylor and I Rye
5.4 23/03/2016 Start/Finish Line changes. RIB starts. I Rye and D Machin

Last updated 21:13 on 24 May 2023

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